Services Details

Event Management Security

In high prolific situations, security or safety concerns can be of the utmost importance and emergencies to crowd control and safety. Be it a convention, trade show, concert, or even marriage ceremony, the number of attendees invites a degree of risk to every patron attending the event. Sometimes, the traffic parking management within and around the venue turns out to be a demanding priority. For this situation special event management security guarding team are very effective to solve all types of unwanted harmful issues

Delta One  Security Officers are trained to anticipate the safety risks and to provide protection and attention to your attending visitors while insuring that your special event transpires without disruption.

Each event is individually evaluated to ensure that adequate coverage is provided. This service is hourly basis minimum 04 (four) hours per individual, with fixed rate allowance for different ranks of security personnel. We ensure that our special event management security team provide a great comfort of service.